Under Development.
I am working on a user friendly version of code (in R) to obtain the GSL-div developed in Lamperti (2018, ECOSTA)
Relevantly, I signal an errata in Lamperti (2018, ECOSTA). In table 2, values are computed according to formula (9) rather than definition 3.2 as indicated in the paper. Also, second line of formula (9) should have both denominators equal to 2T_i. Here is a piece of code that allows to replicate the didactic example reported in table 2.
Further, I will upload here additional material for the DSK agent based integrated assessment model, developed in Lamperti et al (2018, ECOLEC)
Relevantly, I signal an errata in Lamperti (2018, ECOSTA). In table 2, values are computed according to formula (9) rather than definition 3.2 as indicated in the paper. Also, second line of formula (9) should have both denominators equal to 2T_i. Here is a piece of code that allows to replicate the didactic example reported in table 2.
Further, I will upload here additional material for the DSK agent based integrated assessment model, developed in Lamperti et al (2018, ECOLEC)